3 Tips to Maximize Business Card Marketing For Your Small Business

I keep them in my wallet, my pocket, my briefcase and my car. I’ve left a few with my doctor, my dentist, my lawyer, my accountant and my mother! What am I talking about? My business card! A well- crafted business card can go a long way in helping a small business increase its sales and profits. For some small businesses, business cards are their only form of marketing. Here are 3 tips on using your business card to increase your sales and profits.

1. Make your business card look professional. It’s tempting to create your own business cards with all the technology available to do so. Resist the temptation. Have your business card made professionally. Use high quality card stock with a memorable design that communicates all your key information.

2. Don’t leave home without them! This sounds obvious doesn’t it? But how often have you run out on a non-business related errand without business cards, struck up a conversation with a complete stranger that turned to business, and not had a card you could give this person when they asked? A lot! No more! Take your business cards with you everywhere. Everyone is a potential prospect.

3. Distribute them freely. Leave your cards at places your target is likely to frequent.

Small Businesses who have applied these techniques have increased their sales and profits. You can experience the same, along with stronger branding of your business, greater awareness and increased customer counts. To learn more about increasing small business sales and profits, visit the Association of Small Business Marketers website.